Deposits can only be made via our USDT TRC20 Wallet after registration. You can Chat us on live, WhatsApp or Telegram for follow up on your deposit and updates. Investment Starts counting after 24 Hours of Payment.
The duration for withdrawal of return on investment are either weekly or monthly. Your chosen plan will determine the duration of withdrawal.
Payment is done every weekend for the weekly withdrawal and the last 2 days at the end of the month for the monthly withdrawal. You can Call, Chat, or send us email if you experience any delay in your payment.
Investment capital can be increased after the first deposit, but it is allowed on the same day as your first payment. However, we can only allow 24-72hours delay e.g. if your first investment capital is $100 1st of November, it can be increased to $500 on 1st of December.
Some of the clients’ information can be updated especially if there’s a mistake during registration, information such as Wallet ID, email address can be updated from the Client’s Dashboard.
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